Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Getting Older

Well, today I (Jeremy) on the calendar am offically another year older. It is kind of crazy to think about. I am offically in my third decade of living. Now I know that this is troublesome for a lot of people. My wife is dreading the big 30, however, for me 30 wasn't that bad.

I was trying to think back over this past year and remember some of the big things that took place. Here are a few:

1- ran my first 1/2 marathon
2- moved across the country
3- changed jobs
4- watched my firstborn go to kindergarten

That is just a few of the things that have happened this past year. It has really been an awesome year of life! I am in the best shape I have ever been in and feel great, I have two awesome kids who are fun to be around and most of the time do what they are supposed to do, a beautiful wife who loves and supports me, a God who is faithful and a job that I enjoy doing. I can't think of much more a guy could ask for as he is turning 31!

I hope that all of you (well, the two people that actually read this) have a good day!

Grace and Peace!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out!! Hope you had a great day yesterday. You still planning on running a marathon soon? are in your fourth decade of living. Do they have quality assisted living facilities in Chandler?? :)
