Monday, May 14, 2012

A New Day- May 14th, 2012

It is a new morning in many ways.  It is new because it isn't yesterday (sorry, corny joke), and it is new because today is the day I am back on some sort of normal eating and exercise plan.  I stepped on the scale this morning and it wasn't pretty.  This experience in life has pushed me back to old eating habits and old exercise habits.  So, today is a new beginning on that front.  I will keep you posted on how things are "shaping" up (ok, I know, another corny joke)!

Caleb woke up at 5:50 am for the 2nd straight day.  I am not sure why, but the good thing is he is old enough to entertain himself and keep himself busy.  He woke up saying his entire body is hurting and achy.  This could be a combination of a lot of things.   He has been swimming and going with normal activity for several days now.  I am sure that would make his muscles a little sore.  Plus, in the timeline from when his treatment ended, he could be starting to bottom out a bit with his counts as well.

So, we are going to have a chill day and let his body rest.  He and Cully are playing Xbox right now.  They need help getting through a board so super dad is on the way.

Pray that Caleb's body doesn't have too much pain or no pain would be great as well.

We have a little work on our house to do...laundry, cleaning, etc.

I will keep you posted on how Caleb is doing.

Grace and Peace  

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