Today is a new day. Caleb had a good night...just up urinating a lot which is good. This allows the fluid that has been building up to get out. So, although it wakes you up in the middle of the night to help, it really isn't a big deal. Sometimes Caleb apologizes but we tell him it isn't a big deal. Sleep is so over rated!
There shouldn't be much of anything happening today. No procedures, no tests except the regular ones and no chemo. Hopefully it will be a light day. It will more than likely be a boring day for Caleb, so the task will be to keep his 100 mph mind engaged in activities all day. This is not an easy task as you can ony do so much on a floor of a hospital room.
If he is feeling up to it, maybe we can get in some school work. He as several things that he can work on.
Before I go, I wanted to tell a quick story. There is another little boy in our church, 8 years old, who was diagnosed with cancer a week before Caleb. His name is Cooper Gokee. It is such a crazy story because Caleb says the Sunday morning we went into the hospital this past time, they prayed for Cooper in children's church because he was going to be going in for treatment that week. When Caleb was first diagnosed, Cooper's dad sent me a text and said he knew what we were going through and was praying for us. I asked Caleb is he knew Cooper and he said no. Then his dad sent me a picture of him on my cell phone and Caleb immediately recognized him. Cooper told Caleb he was going to buy him his favorite hospital toy and get this...he used his own money!
Cooper has more treatment on Thursday and we are hoping to hook them up together. Who knows the bond that could potentially form between these two. Who knows how Go might use them in each others lives. Cooper was diagnosed with a form of Leukemia, so his treatment is a bit different. Would all of you add Cooper to your prayer list as well. I talked with his dad briefly and even between us we have an instant understanding. So, as you mention Caleb, say a little prayer for Cooper as well. Also, pray that God might use them in each other lives like never before. Also pray for Cooper's parents, Jeff and Patti Gokee. We are hoping to get together with them soon as well and get to know them better.
I guess one last cool shout out to children's hospital before I go. We have had several people from our old room, 3305, come and check on Caleb. 3305 was our room on the GI floor. When we first went in, that is what they were thinking was wrong with Caleb. Both of the GI doctors have come to visit and yesterday, two nurses sought us out. They came on their own time to see how he was doing. We chatted for a bit and they were glad to hear that he was doing well. We were blessed by their concern and it once again showed us that we are in the right place. They gave us hugs and said they would continue to check on us.
I will keep you posted throughout the day. I am going to shower and get ready so I can head up to the hospital. Cully's first words when he woke up..."we need to go see Caleb!" I agree.
Grace and Peace!
Adding Copper to my prayer list.