Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Truly Spring Clean

With Caleb potentially coming home Monday, we could use a little help with a few things!

If you know my wife, and most of you do, you will know she has a little self diagnosed OCD. Our house is rarely not clean and in fact it doesn't really look bad at all right now. However, when Caleb comes home, we would like to have had a deep clean done on our house. We have someone who has professionally cleaned our carpets and is going to professionally clean our tile, but there are several other things we would like to do.

So, if you are interested in helping, Tera will be home Saturday morning trying to prepare the house for Caleb's arrival! If you are sick, we would appreciate you staying home this time. But, if you would like to help, please respond to the blog and let us know so that we can get an idea of who might be able to help.

We are thinking that we will start at 9 am and go till we are done. Whether you can stay for 1 hour or you can stay for longer, that would be awesome! You might want to bring some rags, sponges, blind cleaning supplies or tools, etc. I also believe there are going to be some people working on the yard as well. Due to the nature of chemotherapy and how it weakens your bodies immunity and ability to fight germs that would not affect the average well person, the goal of this cleaning day would be to disinfect floor to ceiling...wiping down walls, dusting and cleaning blinds(ugh!) and disinfecting toys and shelves and books. The best product to use is a bleach solution recommended by the hospital but bring clean rags and sponges and dusting supplies would be phenomenal. We have spent 24 of the last 40 days in the hospital and so some of these things have gone neglected....the pool and yard are ok but could both use some tweaking. Windows and window sills need sanitized and cleaned and basically we want to create as sterile, clean and comfortable of an environment for Caleb to return home to and it would relieve a lot of stress on that front!

Also, we would love to secretly redo Caleb's room! Because we rent our home he has never had a space that is totally his and I think now is the time. I would love to have his room painted and have Jose tag a giant wall mural to hang in the space...new curtains and bedding etc to finish it all off sooo.....if you have some painting skills and supplies and would love to help with this we could potentially start this project on Friday.

Once again, let us know if you can help so we have some idea about how many people will be there. Lunch will be provided.


  1. I'm in. I LOVE to paint and I have a steady hand, so I've never had to tape off anything, so I can help with that on Friday evening, if you are interested. I am taking dinner to Steve and V around 3, but I can come by after that. I'll also help clean whatever I can. Let me know when and where by email, if you can. danny{dot}heyen{at}gmail{dot}com.

  2. I will be there to help clean. I may bring a few of my kids to help too. I am not much of a painter, but I can clean with the best of them :) Amy Nichols

  3. Wish we could give a helping hand. But distance is a problem. However, please know you are in our prayers! Thanks for keeping us updated.

  4. I can help. I can probably get there around 9:30ish. Cindy

  5. Wish i could help paint. Just thought Id mention to look for a no-VOC paint ( volatile organic compounds) even though I suspect you already thought of that.

  6. I would love to help out! I can be there around 9:30.

    ~Tera St. John

  7. Niki...thanks for the heads up on the paint...not sure we have thought about it just yet but now we don't have to think about it. We will check into that for sure!

  8. Tera, I have a little boys Pottery Barn quilt and shams for a full/queen bed. If you are interested in it you are more than welcome to have it:) Reversable one side bllue/white pinstripe and the other primary colors in a mixed stripe...

  9. I would love to help out, but I am only available on Friday. Tera can we chat tomorrow to see what we can do for you & Caleb? :)

  10. Are we still on for Saturday now that Caleb isn't coming home til Thursday?
